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History and geopolitics

Switzerland: checkmate?

From the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the so-called 'Great Reset' towards the new global paradigm.

For decision-makers, concerned citizens, and those seeking a deeper understanding of the global landscape, "Switzerland: Checkmate?" offers a thought-provoking and timely analysis. This book goes beyond the Swiss context to explore a critical question with far-reaching implications: Has the current global paradigm rendered even the most neutral nations vulnerable?

This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex global chessboard and the potential checkmate scenarios faced by nations. It encourages critical reflection on the forces shaping the world order and the future of national sovereignty.

Additionally, the book's diverse authorship by the DAOLY collective brings a unique blend of artistic and activist perspectives to the table, offering a fresh lens for analyzing these complex issues.

Key Features

Thematic Approach

Structured around seven key questions, the book delves into Switzerland's relationship with organizations like NATO and the European Union, while exposing the consequences of the "Grand Reset" narrative.

Beyond National Borders

While Switzerland serves as a compelling case study, the book argues that its "checkmate" scenario reflects a broader global trend of national decline within the current paradigm.

Alternative Perspectives

The book acknowledges the belief in a new world order and the rise of the BRICS bloc as potential alternatives. However, it challenges the notion that aligning with any singular power structure guarantees success.

Capillary Vassalization

"Switzerland: Checkmate?" explores a crucial yet often overlooked concept: the gradual erosion of national sovereignty through subtle economic and political pressures.


People currently at hard work. Stay tuned!

club master eyeglasses on pile of three books
club master eyeglasses on pile of three books
Art is a profound expression of the human spirit, but it is not created overnight.