person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro
black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper
black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
person holding black digital watch
person holding black digital watch
person holding black camera
person holding black camera
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
black nikon dslr camera on black tripod
black nikon dslr camera on black tripod

Empower Your Mind Today

Explore the thought-provoking content created by the daoly collective of artists. Join us in advocating for a hybrid society of the future.


Memes, with their condensed format of image and text, can act as bite-sized social commentary. By using humor, exaggeration, or relatable situations, they highlight complexities of the world in a way that's easily digestible.

They can also expose ironies by juxtaposing unexpected elements, prompting viewers to question underlying assumptions and sparking conversations about current events or social issues. In a nutshell, memes offer a playful yet potent lens for understanding the complexities and ironies that shape our world.


"Quotes of the day" serve as bite-sized bursts of inspiration or wisdom. They can spark reflection, offer a new perspective, or simply brighten your day. These short snippets can provide a quick pick-me-up during a challenging time or fuel motivation when you need it most.


The rise of YouTube was a revolution. Suddenly, anyone with a camera and a story could share it with the world. It became a vibrant hub of creativity, a place where unknown talents could blossom and voices from every corner of the globe could be heard. But lately, there's a sense of... change. The algorithms seem to favour a certain kind of content, the endless stream can be overwhelming, and the magic of discovering something truly unique feels a little lost.

It makes DAOLY a little sad. YouTube was, and hopefully still can be, an incredible platform for sharing ideas, for fostering communities, and for launching dreams without giving too much money and above all powers to individuals and secretive entities already around at inception.

Switzerland: checkmate?

The video versions of DAOLY's podcasts